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(+351) 253 484 329 (chamada da rede fixa nacional)

Safety Manual


1. Purpose and Application Field

This manual integrates itself on a set of rules to be followed to prevent risks associated with each workstation and information regarding hygiene, safety, and health at work.
It applies to every Fontoli employee.

2. Security General Rules

The operation instructions and the use of machinery/equipment should be strictly followed.

• The employees must receive clear and precise instructions about the machinery and equipment use and function as well as the associated risks, and anytime doubts appear, they must ask the responsible.
• The tools must be kept by the users, in good conditions, and inspected periodically to ensure they’re in good conditions
• it should never be transported tools and other accessories in clothing’s pockets, except those who will be used
• When carrying sharp-edged or cutting-edged tools, they must be packed securely to protect the employees
• Try to keep your workstation clean and organized to avoid work accidents
• Use the correct tools and equipment for the job to be done and use them safely
• Use approved and appropriate individual protection equipment and keep it in good conditions
• Respect safety signs
• If anomalies in any equipment that may jeopardize the safety and the environment are detected, please report it immediately to your superior
• Do not change nor repair machinery that is not qualified to
• Do not dismantle nor change the machinery’s collective protections
• Avoid entering mobile equipment’s mileage, try to stay in a place visible to the equipment operator
• Use all electric equipment with precaution
• Do not consume alcoholic drinks
• Do not put your colleagues in danger
• Improvisation is safety’s enemy. Therefore, follow the work instructions/ equipment’s safety procedures that were transmitted, and if in doubt, do not hesitate and ask for clarification
• Use the destinated places for the collection of rubbish


3. Workers’ General Obligations

Compliance with legal requirements of Hygiene, Safety, and Health at work, as well as the instructions that were given for this purpose.

• Take care of your safety and health, as well as the others who might be affected by your actions
• Handle correctly all the machines, tools, and other means put at your disposal
• Use and maintain individual and collective protection equipment
• Contribute and cooperate to the improvement of the safety, hygiene, and health’s system at work
• Report immediately all the situations of severe danger seen by you. If it’s not possible to establish contact with the responsible superior right away, adopt all the necessary measures for that situation
• It’s forbidden to smoke
• Do not drink alcoholic beverages
• Be assiduous
• Being well-behaved, both morally and civil
• Performing the assigned duties with care and perfection
• Give constructive opinions
• Every time it is necessary, help other contributors
• Be careful with all the materials, tools, and vehicles used in the execution of the task
• Be responsible
• Keep all accesses and passages clear
• Organise correctly all the materials to avoid accidents during workers are moving around
• Keep workstations cleaned and organized, the materials kept away, the traffic lanes clear. This will prevent workers to slip or fall
• The working machinery must be used by authorized and properly equipped staff
• Before using any machinery or tool (vehicles included), it’s a must to verify its condition, in case any defects are seen it’s a must to report to the responsible superior
• Do not stay within the operating range of lifting machinery, to avoid accidents by shocks or material falling
• Ensure properly that electric portable tools, their power cables, and plugs are kept safely and securely
• All tools must be connected properly to the power cables provided for the purpose
• All temporary adaptation of tools, plugs, and socket outlets must be executed by authorized staff
• Whenever an electric portable tool suffers a fall or damage, it must be reported immediately to the responsible superior
• If it is raining, all the electric tools cannot be used outdoors
• The manual load transportation must be carried out, keeping the body in the correct position, to avoid hurting the hands, the feet, the head, and spinal injuries
• It mustn’t be carried out at eye height, to avoid lack of visibility, shocks, and falls
• When transporting long loads, you must check out if the area is clear
• Mustn’t enter nor work in dark places
• Mustn’t work in places whose height isn’t solidly secured nor protected and must check out whether there are people and personal values in the projection that could be damaged due to the material’s falls or tools
• Do not climb the stairs without checking its conditions first
• Do not walk around on catwalks when there are doubts about its solidity

4. Emergency Contacts

Nacional Emergency Contact – 112

Intoxications – Anti-Poisons Centre – 808 250 143

Vizela’s Voluntary Firefighters – 253 489 100

Vizela’s Health Centre – 253 589 040

Vizela’s GNR (Police – “Guarda Nacional Repúblicana”) – 253 481 261