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(+351) 253 484 329 (chamada da rede fixa nacional)

Conduct’s Code

Ethics and Professional Procedure

Fontoli sees the business, respecting Human integrity and dignity, and in this spirit, we believe it necessary to elaborate a conduct’s code that would embrace all contributors (dependent work contract, provided services, …) and the involved community (clients,
suppliers, public authorities, among others).

It was created with the fundamental purpose:

To share with all our contributors and business partners, the principles which guide our company, following the following conduct’s principles:


To provide equal opportunities for personal and professional development to all contributors, through a thorough and constructive evaluation, participating in professional and extra-professional training;
Respect for Workers’ Rights;
Abolition of all forms of exploitation (forced and child labour);
Abolition of all discriminatory practices (race, social class, background, religion, age, incapacities, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, political party);
Fight against all types of corruption


Treating all costumers through an equality policy, having clear and transparent rules, based on respect and loyalty. Fulfilling all requirements defined by the customers and supplying outstanding products.


Suppliers must be selected through impartial and clear criteria and deals should be mutually respected.


Responsibility upon the environment’s defence and protection, through the implementation of good environmental practices, specifically, residue management (selective separation of residue method, existing proper places to separate paper, plastic, fabric scraps, among others).

Public Authorities

To respect and comply with every law in force applicable to Fontoli’s activity.
To provide all necessary collaboration every time it’s necessary through solicited information availability.

Work Environment, Health, and Safety

To provide a good work environment, based on team’s spirit, through responsibility, collaboration, competence, and contributors’ valuing. To ensure the legislation compliance regarding hygiene, safety, and Health at work.
Fontoli’s administration compromises to disclose and ensure that these principles were completely assimilated and understood by everyone involved.